5 Misconceptions About Security Cameras

Security cameras are a major factor that contribute to the general security of a home or business. Of all our home and business security systems, a security camera installation is one of the most important ones to consider.
5 Misconceptions About Security Cameras
There is a lot of fear and confusion about the use of security cameras. This confusion stems from several misconceptions or myths about this fantastic technology. Let’s look at five common misconceptions about security cameras and debunk them.
1. All security cameras work the same.
Security cameras come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and with a wide range of features and prices. Knowing the ins and outs of all the different options can be confusing.
Here’s a quick rundown of some of the more common types of security cameras to help you determine which one will work best for your needs:
  • Wireless cameras. These cameras use wireless networks to transmit footage from security cameras to recording devices, and to store footage as well. They’re a great choice for homes and businesses that have Wi-Fi, but consider them only if you have solid Wi-Fi coverage in your area. Wireless security cameras can be set up anywhere, but they can be affected by interference, so it’s best to place them away from microwaves and other sources of interference.

  • Wired cameras. These security cameras use networks to transmit footage. Because there’s no wireless transmission, they’re generally easier to set up than wireless cameras.

  • IP cameras. These security cameras connect to a network via Internet. Some cameras have a built-in hard drive, but most use mini hard drives or SD cards, and the footage has to be stored on an external device.
2. Home security systems are too expensive.
Security cameras are not expensive. And, in an age where home security is at an all-time high, they’re even more of a necessity.
Unfortunately, many consumers still think that security cameras are too expensive for their needs, when in actuality, security camera systems can be incredibly affordable, especially when you consider all of the benefits they offer. Plus, they’re easy to install!
While it’s true that security cams are expensive up front, the total cost of ownership of the system is much lower.
3. A security system won’t actually stop burglars from breaking in.
“All you need is a dummy camera to stop break-ins” is a dangerous mentality that could bite you and your property in the bum!
Most people assume that a home security system won’t actually stop them from breaking in, but the opposite is true. In fact, a security system will almost always deter a burglar from even attempting to break in.
A 2014 study from the Ponemon Institute found that burglars were 43% less likely to target homes with security systems.
They also found, however, that 39% of burglars would target homes where an alarm was either disabled or sounded in error.
The lesson? A security system is only effective if you actually arm it. Burglars are less likely to target homes where the alarm detects them, and will continue to target homes where the alarm system is ignored. And one of the best ways to ensure a burglar won’t target your home is to install security cameras.
4. All IP cameras are easy to hack.
While it’s true that IP cameras are vulnerable to hacking, they’re far from all cameras. Most analog cameras are not accessible from the outside, so they can’t be hacked. Additionally, most IP cameras rely on passwords or other forms of authentication, which are difficult to crack without direct physical access.
The vulnerability of IP cameras has been a hot topic in recent years, as criminals have become more innovative in their efforts to infiltrate systems. But it’s important to take these things into perspective. Many IP cameras are very secure, and access control is a critical component of any security system.
Don’t let one bad actor cast a shadow over an entire industry. Security cameras are a great tool, and there’s no reason to avoid them because of a few bad apples.
5. You don’t need security cameras if you live in a safe area.
It’s true that the chances of crime happening are lower if you live in a safe area. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have security cameras. With so much information being shared online and the threat of burglars in your neighborhood, though, security cameras are a smart investment for both home and business owners.
The flaw in this thinking is that criminals aren’t interested in where you live.
Criminals are looking for victims, and they know which neighborhoods are the safest and which are the most dangerous. They’re usually more interested in who’s likely to be home. If you’re likely to be out, you’re more vulnerable.
Without monitoring, you are relying on a passer-by or neighbour to notify the appropriate authorities when they hear your audible siren or see visible signs of an emergency. All too often they are ignored.
Zagame Security Group recommends 24/7 back-to-base monitoring for all security alarm systems. In the event of an alarm being activated, a signal will be sent to the monitoring centre where staff will action it in accordance with your predetermined response plan.
Contact us today at 1300 989 676 or at our website for a FREE quote!

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Rod Zagami has operated a security business since early 1999 in East Gippsland and has established a professional and efficient security service. Zagame Security Group was formed in 2014, expanding the range of products and services we offer our clients.

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