Checklist in Considering a Security Provider

Service Coverage

Does the selected security provider offer the right service that is aligned in your current and future needs? Some providers might be a good fit now but are they able to scale up as your company grows? Always consider expansion probabilities and if the provider is able to cope up.

Adequate Insurance Coverage

Search for their insurance coverage and if is suited to your requirements. Protect your business and minimise its exposure to risk will be a great investment.


The selected Security Provider should be amenable to change and prioritise your requirements. Your provider should respond to any security issues in a timely manner and with the right tools. This can range from patrol vehicles to armed guards really depending on your needs.

Training and Qualification

It is essential in every service-oriented company that they have adequate training in the field they have expertise in. Our employees all hold a Victorian Security Licenses. Aside from training and license it is wise to check the company’s review as it is a testament on how well they do their jobs.

Daily Relationship

How will your provider keep the communication channels open? Are they responsive every time you have concerns? Do they provide security updates and security level reports? Easy communication should be clear in both parts is essential in security operations.

ASIAL Membership

ASIAL (Australia Security Industry Associated Limited) provides a mark of distinction. To be a member a security company has to meet the highest standards of quality service.

Is Zagame Security a Good Fit?

We believe so. We work hard to provide everything on this checklist. We’d be grateful to help address your security concerns. Contact us here

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About Zagame Security Group

Rod Zagami has operated a security business since early 1999 in East Gippsland and has established a professional and efficient security service. Zagame Security Group was formed in 2014, expanding the range of products and services we offer our clients.

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