A school’s top priority will always be your children’s safety

When it comes to safety, schools should always be at the top of our priority list. Governments, school boards, leadership, and staff alike invest an incredible amount of time, energy and resources into creating a secure and encouraging environment for students to learn and grow without distraction.
A School’s Top Priority Will Always Be Your Children’s Safety

However, in some cases and locations, schools can benefit from an added layer of security to help reinforce this environment, and that’s where security guards can be an invaluable asset. These trained professionals are tasked with the responsibility of providing visible and actionable protection for students, staff and visitors on site. Here are just a few ways they help safeguard a school’s positive learning environment:

1. Deter Crime
Security guards are often employed by the school’s administration as a deterrent against crime. This may be as simple as having someone on site at all times, or it may include a more active approach such as locking down doors, inspecting bags and monitoring cameras.
2. Monitor Activities
No matter where they’re needed, security officers can monitor activities in both indoor and outdoor settings and on grounds surrounding the school. They can also monitor any activity taking place on nearby streets or sidewalks that may affect the safety of students, staff and visitors.
3. Provide Peace of Mind for Parents
Parents must feel confident knowing that their children will arrive home safely from school each day. Employing security guards and communicating their presence with parents can help provide an added layer of confidence, especially if parents know they’re available to assist in various situations such as accompanying students to vehicles or monitoring any unusual activity in and around the school premises.
When safety matters: Zagame Security Group.
Here at Zagame Security Group, we ensure that our security guards are equipped with the competencies needed to provide the most intelligent security for our clients.
Contact us today at 1300 989 676 or at our website for a FREE quote!

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About Zagame Security Group

Rod Zagami has operated a security business since early 1999 in East Gippsland and has established a professional and efficient security service. Zagame Security Group was formed in 2014, expanding the range of products and services we offer our clients.

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